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Why String class is final

5 Reasons of Why String is final or Immutable in Java
Why String class is made Immutable or Final in JavaThough true reasons of why String class was made final is best known to Java designers, and  apart from that hint on security by James Gosling, I think following reasons also suggest Why String is Final or Immutable in Java.

1) String Pool
Java designer knows that String is going to be most used data type in all kind of Java applications and that's why they wanted to optimize from  start. One of key step on that direction was idea of storing String literals in String pool. Goal was to reduce temporary String object by sharing them and in order to share, they must have to be from Immutable class. You can not share a mutable object with two parties which are unknown to each other. Let's take an hypothetical example, where two reference variable is pointing to same String object:

String s1 = "Java";
String s2 = "Java";

Now if s1 changes the object from "Java" to "C++", reference variable also got value s2="C++", which it doesn't even know about it. By making String immutable, this sharing of String literal was possible. In short, key idea of String pool can not be implemented without making String final or Immutable in Java.

2) Security
Java has clear goal in terms of providing a secure environment at every level of service and String is critical in those whole security stuff. String has been widely used as parameter for many Java classes, e.g. for opening network connection, you can pass host and port as String, for reading files in Java you can pass path of files and directory as String and for opening database connection, you can pass database URL as String. If String was not immutable, a user might have granted to access a particular file in system, but after authentication he can change the PATH to something else, this could cause serious security issues. Similarly, while connecting to database or any other machine in network, mutating String value can pose security threats. Mutable strings could also cause security problem in Reflection as well, as the parameters are strings.

3) Use of String in Class Loading Mechanism

Another reason for making String final or Immutable was driven by the fact that it was heavily used in class loading mechanism. As String been not Immutable, an attacker can take advantage of this fact and a request to load standard Java classes e.g. can be changed to malicious class com.unknown.DataStolenReader. By keeping String final and immutable, we can at least be sure that JVM is loading correct classes.

4) Multithreading Benefits

Since Concurrency and Multi-threading was Java's key offering, it made lot of sense to think about thread-safety of String objects. Since it was expected that String will be used widely, making it Immutable means no external synchronization, means much cleaner code involving sharing of String between multiple threads. This single feature, makes already complicate, confusing and error prone concurrency coding much easier. Because String is immutable and we just share it between threads, it result in more readable code.

5) Optimization and Performance

Now when you make a class Immutable, you know in advance that, this class is not going to change once created. This guarantee open path for many performance optimization e.g. caching. String itself know that, I am not going to change, so String cache its hashcode. It even calculate hashcode lazily and once created, just cache it. In simple world, when you first call hashCode() method of any String object, it calculate hash code and all subsequent call to hashCode() returns already calculated, cached value. This results in good performance gain, given String is heavily used in hash based Maps e.g. Hashtable and HashMap. Caching of hashcode was not possible without making it immutable and final, as it depends upon content of String itself.

Pros and Cons of String being Immutable or Final in Java
Apart from above benefits, there is one more advantage that you can count due to String being final in Java. It's one of the most popular object to be used as key in hash based collections e.g. HashMap and Hashtable. Though immutability is not an absolute requirement for HashMap keys, its much more safe to use Immutable object as key than mutable ones, because if state of mutable object is changed during its stay inside HashMap, it would be impossible to retrieve it back, given it's equals() and hashCode() method depends upon the changed attribute. If a class is Immutable, there is no risk of changing its state, when it is stored inside hash based collections.  Another significant benefits, which I have already highlighted is its thread-safety. Since String is immutable, you can safely share it between threads without worrying about external synchronization. It makes concurrent code more readable and less error prone.

Despite all these advantages, Immutability also has some disadvantages, e.g. it doesn't come without cost. Since String is immutable, it generates lots of temporary use and throw object, which creates pressure for Garbage collector. Java designer has already thought about it and storing String literals in pool is their solution to reduce String garbage. It does help, but you have to be careful to create String without using constructor e.g. new String() will not pick object from String pool. Also on average Java application generates too much garbage. Also storing Strings in pool has a hidden risk associated with it. String pool is located in PermGen Space of Java Heap, which is very limited as compared to Java Heap. Having too many String literals will quickly fill this space, resulting in java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen Space. Thankfully, Java language programmers has realized this problem and from Java 7 onwards, they have moved String pool to normal heap space, which is much much larger than PermGen space. There is another disadvantage of making String final, as it limits its extensibility. Now, you just can not extend String to provide more functionality, though more general cases its hardly needed, still its limitation for those who wants to extend java.lang.String class.


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