In order to display webpage without processing request, then instead of taking separate user
defined controller class we can configure this class by specifying view name "viewName" property
value. This is usefull to display webpage for hyperlink generated request. Ex: aboutUs, contactUs.
Actually this is alternate of ParameterizableViewController classes configuration to render multiple
webpages/views without having any request processing for multiple hyperlink generated request like
aboutUs, contactUs.
Generally for hyperlink generated request to get dynamic content having request processing we
should go for AbstractController. There is no form submission in request but request processing
required to display dynamic webpage as output. Ex: ListOfEmployees, viewProfiles.
If our source page having form page with no server side form validation and client
side form validation optional and no form handling then we go for AbstractCommandController.
The simpleFormCOntroller display from page based on "formbased values if the request is initial phase request." ic there is no need taking seprate parametrized view controller for launching from page.
If our source page having form page with form validation, form handling and looking
to get Dest page either as static or dynamic page having request processing then we
use SimpleFormController.
When formpage contains multiple submit buttons then instead of taking multiple AbstractCommandController
or SimpleFormController takes single MultiActionController having multiple user-defined methods to process
request of multiple submit buttons on one per method basis.
If sourcepage is form submission having multiple submit buttons with optional form validation and
is required dest page is static or dynamic webpage that should come after request processing then
we should go for MultiActionController. Ex: Insert, Update, Delete, View, Cancel in one form.
So for we worked with single form page based controller classes like SimpleFormController or
MultiActionController and etc... in order to work with multiple form pages that comes in a sequence
having wizard style we need to use AbstractWizardFormController by specifying list of form pages
to display in a sequence. For this we use _cancel, _finish, _target..
Annotation we are using in Spring:
In order to display webpage without processing request, then instead of taking separate user
defined controller class we can configure this class by specifying view name "viewName" property
value. This is usefull to display webpage for hyperlink generated request. Ex: aboutUs, contactUs.
Actually this is alternate of ParameterizableViewController classes configuration to render multiple
webpages/views without having any request processing for multiple hyperlink generated request like
aboutUs, contactUs.
Generally for hyperlink generated request to get dynamic content having request processing we
should go for AbstractController. There is no form submission in request but request processing
required to display dynamic webpage as output. Ex: ListOfEmployees, viewProfiles.
If our source page having form page with no server side form validation and client
side form validation optional and no form handling then we go for AbstractCommandController.
The simpleFormCOntroller display from page based on "formbased values if the request is initial phase request." ic there is no need taking seprate parametrized view controller for launching from page.
If our source page having form page with form validation, form handling and looking
to get Dest page either as static or dynamic page having request processing then we
use SimpleFormController.
When formpage contains multiple submit buttons then instead of taking multiple AbstractCommandController
or SimpleFormController takes single MultiActionController having multiple user-defined methods to process
request of multiple submit buttons on one per method basis.
If sourcepage is form submission having multiple submit buttons with optional form validation and
is required dest page is static or dynamic webpage that should come after request processing then
we should go for MultiActionController. Ex: Insert, Update, Delete, View, Cancel in one form.
So for we worked with single form page based controller classes like SimpleFormController or
MultiActionController and etc... in order to work with multiple form pages that comes in a sequence
having wizard style we need to use AbstractWizardFormController by specifying list of form pages
to display in a sequence. For this we use _cancel, _finish, _target..
Annotation we are using in Spring:
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