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Showing posts from March 22, 2017

6 technologies you should learn this year

6 technologies you should learn this year MORE LIKE THIS Love and hate for Java 8 Get real, Bill -- we do need more H-1Bs for tech workers The savvy tech strategy behind Obamacare Technology moves fast! If you're stuck in your cube  editing Java  1.3 code or messing with PowerBuilder, you probably live in an area of the country where there's only one employer. Most of us have to figure out what we need to learn, or at least become acquainted with, just to keep our careers on track. If you want to stay sought-after and raise your rate, you should be acquainted with the following technologies. Why listen to me? Because I get a unique bird's-eye view as a developer straddling a management, marketing, and sales roles. My informal survey says: This is the least you should familiarize yourself with by next year. 1. Hadoop.  If you learn nothing else this year,  make it Hadoop . You need to know what MapReduce is and how to use it. Frank