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What is final, finally and finalize ?

Interview prospective hot question
What is final, finally and finalize ?
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final is a keyword/modifier. It applicable for class, variable and method. ..
If you declare ur class with final keyword then no one can extends ur class. ..
no IS-A(inheritance) relationship. one can reuse ur class. ...
If you declare ur variable as final then it act as constant. We can't do any modifications on that perticular variable.
If you declare ur method a final then subclass can't override it. ..
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finally is a block. Used in Exception Handling it always associate with try block. ..Normally it is used to clean up activities. ..means inside it all statement always be execute eventhough ur code is terminate in middle or in any abnormal condition. ...
There some situation in which ur finally block also not executed. .
1. If System.exit(0) placed inside try /Catch block then ur finally block will not be executed
2 . another case if in ur finally block exception raised but we can't handle then also finally block will not execute
👉finalize :-
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finalize is a method present inside Object class normally this method is used for clean up activities and for memory management activities. ..
finalize method is called by Garbage Collector. .....
When we write
Then jvm request to Gc...For memory management nd gc is one daemon thread which is run background in periodically manner. When it will run it call the finalize method from object class then finalize method helps to clean unused reference from ur class. .........


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