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Difference between Web Server and Application Server

Difference between Web Server and Application Server

In this post we will know and understand difference between web server and application server. First let we know what is web server? A web server is a computer System that runs a web site using HTTP protocol . The web server delivers the content or web pages to end users and some other data files web based applications. Example: Apache Tomcat server.
Now let we know what is application server?  A application server is server program in a computer in a distributed network that provides the business logic for an application program. Examples: JBOSS, Oracle Web Logic server

Difference between Web server Vs application server:

  • If we want to run web applications we have to use web server whereas to run enterprise applications then application server is required
  • Web server can support only web related technologies whereas application server can support any technology from Java,J2EE.
  • Web Servers have plugins to support scripting languages like perl,php,jsp,ASP etc..
  • Most of the application servers have web server have integral part of them. So what ever application server can do what ever web server capable of. In addition to these features application server also provides features like connection pooling,object pooling,transaction support, Messaging services etc..
  •  A web servers mostly used for static content whereas Application servers for dynamic content
  • The web server main objective is to display content whereas application server is provides the business logic the interaction between user and displayed content
  • J2EE is compatible server is application server

Every application server contains inbuilt web server to provide support for web related technologies such as servlet,jsp etc..


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